(Cantonese Event 廣東話活動) Reading The Arrival in the Artistic Approach / 從藝術角度閱讀《抵岸》
繪本嘅插畫通常會俾人一種色彩繽紛,偏向兒童面向嘅感覺,但當你睇過《抵岸》入面嘅插畫,你一定會癲覆呢種諗法! 嘉賓:高佩聰女士 (插畫師及繪本出版人) 主持人:張煒森先生 (藝評人)
時間和地點 Time & Location
Jan 12, 2019, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM GMT+8
Hong Kong Arts Centre
活動詳情 About the Event
日期:2019 年 1 月 12 日 ( 六 )
時間:下午 3 時至 4 時 30 分
地點:香港藝術中心 4 樓包氏畫廊
嘉賓:高佩聰女士 (插畫師及繪本出版人)
主持人:張煒森先生 (藝評人)
嚟緊星期六會有一場關於《抵岸》嘅分享會,請嚟插畫師及繪本出版人高佩聰女士做嘉賓,由藝評人張煒森先生主持,同大家睇下書中插畫同一般繪本嘅分別以及其獨特之處。另外仲會探討當中嘅表達手法、題材同埋創作手法,分享吓點樣由藝術角度去閱讀《抵岸》! 如果大家想深入認識《抵岸》同埋陳志勇,就一定要嚟呢個分享會啦!
Reading The Arrival in the Artistic Approach*
Date: 12th January, 2019 (Sat)
Time: 15:00-16:30
Venue: 4/F, Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre
Language: Cantonese
Moderator: Mr. Cheung Wai-sum, Eddie (Art Critic)
Guest Speaker: Ms. Adeline Ko (Picture Book Author / Publisher)
* This session is conducted in Cantonese.
我城我書 / One City One Book Hong Kong is a community reading programme initiated by the Centre for Popular Culture in the Humanities at The Education University of Hong Kong, which aims to encourage as many people as possible, to read and discuss the same book at around the same time. Each year students, scholars, readers of all kinds will focus their attention on one single book.
The book chosen for the first ever One City One Book initiative in Hong Kong (2019) is The Arrival (2006), a wordless graphic novel by the Chinese Australian graphic novelist Shaun Tan.
The Arrival is a particularly appropriate choice for the first One City One Book initiative in Hong Kong. Shaun Tan's wordless graphic novel transcends language barriers and tells an immigrant story with resonant themes of migration, belonging, and hospitality. This celebrated book appeals to people of all ages, be they children, young adults or adults.