Teaching the Poetry of Yam Gong (English)
with James Shea, poet and translator

時間和地點 Time & Location
Sep 23, 2022, 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
活動詳情 About the Event
One City One Book Hong Kong presents the poetry of the local writer Yam Gong, recently published in translation in Moving a Stone: Selected Poems of Yam Gong. This session is for English teachers who would like to integrate Yam Gong’s poetry into their classroom or enrichment activities. The translator of Moving a Stone, James Shea, will discuss Yam Gong’s work in translation and teaching ideas. The director of One City One Book HK, Jeffrey Clapp, will discuss lesson plans prepared by the project and will introduce a new art competition for students.
Welcome to join us via Zoom!
Meeting ID: 984 6161 2876
Passcode: 576425